
By God You Love Chocolate

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By God you love chocolate, a fiendish amount. Hearty and joyous, too much to recount.
You oft choose to hide it, remove it from sight! Protect me from addiction, sure, that sounds about right…
You and your friends, indulging confection. Chocaholics anonymous the obvious direction.
No matter your methods, a day will soon come. Of independence, elation, and mighty freedom.
I’ll find all the chocolate, and gorge it non-stop. From zero to hero, I’ll eat till I drop.
There’ll be no way to stop me, short-circuit cerebrum. If only I’d learned, some temperance while eating.
I’ll drop out from working, go steal all the candy. And quickly balloon: perpetual expanding.
Eventually explode, with no moderation. No self-control — infernal fixation.
By God you love chocolate, guess what —I do too! Pray share some right now, it’s love overdue.